
Ad Age


Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Contest

In 2020, the world changed. Today, the struggle continues, yet agencies have evolved quickly to keep up with the ever changing industry. We’ve been developing new ways of working and proving just how agile and inventive we can be. In exploring what the future will look like, and more specifically what agency life will be like in ten years, I thought of how technology has kept us closer than ever before. We’re all together even when we’re not in the same place. For the Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Contest, I explored this idea of togetherness in the future and what that looks like to me.


Ad Age Young Creatives Cover Contest

Though we may never all be in the same room at one time, we are always connected by technology. We can all work together as one even though we are physically apart these days. Bright colored sunset, contrasting with darker shades for the “technology” dwellings to give off a city vibe.